Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Nobody's doing any real work today anyway...

Because I've been completely overwhelmed in both my professional and personal lives, I have neglected the blog. But since today is The-Best-Day-Of-The-Year-Eve, and I'm too excited about tomorrow to do any real work, and I've read every other blog on the planet, and 90% of the University is shut down so there's really nothing to do here but wait for my boss to leave so I can sneak out, I have decided to spend the time blogging.

So here goes...
Professionally: After being wooed and courted by three different people, I have accepted a new position. A new badass position. Although I feel horrible and more than a little heartbroken to break up with my current boss, I am really excited about this new position and can't wait to start come the first of the year.

Personally: So I guess I have to begin with the reason I haven't blogged in a while. I have recently been a total and complete trainwreck following a personal tragedy that I still can't quite wrap my head around. My grief is insignificant in comparison to what my mother and our oldest family friends are going through. I find it amazing and inspiring that they can continue to function as human beings at this point. I hope that someday soon I can find some beauty in the life that was, but, frankly I'm too pissed off right now.

Michele, when you read this, please know I am eternally grateful for you letting me snot on your shirt and for bringing me shots while I was sitting on the dirty bathroom floor when I had my nervous breakdown. You are the best!

Now, on to better stuff. And quickly!

  • I discovered my new favorite hot dog and french fry hotspot the other day with Sunny and haven't had that much fun or laughed so hard in a long, long time.
  • We had an 86th birthday party for my Grandma & she got wasted. It was classic.
  • Michele, Vanessa and I tore up the dance floor at a wedding Saturday night. Vanessa was a perfect date! I'm super glad she came - and drove!
  • Today is The-Best-Day-Of-The-Year-Eve.
  • Tomorrow is The-Best-Day-Of-The-Year.

Why is tomorrow The-Best-Day-Of-The-Year? Thanksgiving.

Four hundred and forty-three years ago some pilgrims and some Indians came together to invent a day to celebrate my Mom's cooking. It is her day. No one in the world could convince me to be anywhere than at her kitchen table tomorrow. It is indescribable. It is holy. It is all things happiness and light. It is The-Best-Day-Of-The-Year!! And for anybody not sitting at my mom's kitchen table tomorrow, your life is lacking, incomplete and meaningless. And I truly feel sorry for you.

But I wish you all the happiest holiday anyway.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

At the center of the universe the day history was made

I was not fortunate enough to get tickets to the Obama rally on election night. My friend Chi Chi was. She's detailed the unbelieveable experience on her blog at Reading it gave me chills and I have to share it with everyone. Her post is below.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Yes. We. Did. Barack Obama is MY President

Is it me or is the sun shining a little bit brighter today? Today is a new day and last night, America turned the page on the deep depression that settled over us when George Bush was appointed president in 2000.

Barack Obama is my president. Michelle Obama is my first lady.

I have to repeat these sentences because it still feels surreal. I'm still pinching myself. I was at the rally in downtown Chicago and I had keep asking my friends, "Did this really happen?" Yes it did happen and in one day, the world has changed.

Getting a ticket to the downtown rally was truly a blessing from God because the Obama campaign emailed it to me at 4:23 PM last night. I was preparing to leave to join my friend and canvassing partner Tara as her guest downtown (bless you Tara!). For some reason, the email junkie in me saw 23 messages and made me check my email one more time before I left. I looked and there it was, "Waitlist update" and there was my ticket to the downtown rally. I couldn't believe it, I felt like I'd just received a golden ticket from Willy Wonka to go to his chocolate factory!

With this great opportunity, two more people were invited, I ran to lab to print them out and then I was off. I hopped on the green line and rode into downtown Chicago. After stepping off the train, everything was cool until I walked onto Michigan Ave. The place was bananas and I wanted every Obama shirt that I saw. After meeting up with friends, 4 security checkpoints, airport style metal detector checks and a lot of movement we were in and it was liberating!

It was funny because we were in the center of it all but we only had CNN to rely on. Without my eyes glued to a TV, I felt so unaware of what the news media was saying. My parents gave me updates and we stood next to a guy with a radio but we still were clueless at times because I guess we were in the middle of history. Everytime they called a race we cheered but in my heart I didn't believe it because I was looking for the percentage of precincts reporting as well as the exit polls.

It's funny because although I bought three buttons that declared victory for Obama, I had to see it for myself. First I saw 199 EV's and then 207. I knew that California would give 55 EV's so at 262 EV's we only needed 8 votes to put us over the top. So when Virgina was called I knew it was all over. Virginia was like a symbol for change because not long after that California was called for Obama and then the words that I dreamed to see on the CNN jumbotron, "Projected: Barack Obama, President of the United States!"

The crowd went wild and I screamed at the top of my lungs. I hugged my friends, my canvassing buddies and was vaclempt. I couldn't believe it. And then John McCain conceded. This was really happening! Oh my God, it's really happening. Barack Obama is the president! I called everyone that I could until my phone died. I dedicated my minutes to phonebanking that day but I didn't predict that I would use it until the battery died.

And then it began. The page turned and we bowed our heads for prayer. We prayed together in that crowd and then we said the Pledge of Allegience. I've never recited those words with so much pride for my country before. Yes, I finally feel like this is my country too. And then we sang the Star Spangled Banner and I sang every word with true sincerity in my heart. Next "Signed, Sealed, Delivered" by Stevie Wonder and "Your Love Keeps Lifting Me Higher" by Jackie Wilson was played. We also heard "Only in America". But when they played "Sweet Home Chicago", I never felt more at home than I did that night. I love my city and last night we were the center of the universe.

Then there was silence and they announced the First family of the United States! I lost my mind and screamed again. I felt so much pride as the Obama family marched across the stage. In that moment, the Obama family was lifted up as a beacon of love and positive family values for all Americans and especially African-Americans to see. We have a new Huxtable example and they are real people. I felt like Black folks finally had a symbol, an example and a leader to follow. I saw Barack and Michelle embrace and I saw her say, "I love you too". Black love is beautiful y'all and it was there for all to see.

And then he made his victory speech and we closed the chapter on the Bush years forever. He set a new tone through his leadership and in one speech healed the nation.

This morning I woke up to NPR and they said it again, President Obama (smile). I went outside to pay the meter and saw that I got a $50 ticket 8 minutes prior. But it didn't matter, Barack Obama is the President of the United States. The flowers outside my apartment were shining brighter and the world is now on the right track.

We have a reason to believe again because with President Obama (I smile every time I type those two words) I see a brighter future ahead.

Today I feel like a normal person again. Like a "Born-again American". I feel like the civil rights that we lost with the Bush administration have been restored. I feel like common sense will rule again and that we now live in a world where anything is possible. Congratulations America! Welcome to a new day and a new world!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Joy and happiness and light

The world is a better place.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Best weekend ever

It was the best weekend ever. Ok, well atleast the best weekend in a long time. First, this weekend I worked zero hours. That never happens!! Also, it was Halloween which is one of my favorite days of the year. I made an adorable Dorothy and Vanessa and I had a great time at the party we attended. Although we did spend about 45 minutes driving in circles because Vanessa thought she was smarter than MapQuest. Smarter than me? Definitely. Smarter than most people? Sure. Smarter than MapQuest? Not quite...

Saturday, I woke up suprisingly not hungover. I met my mom for lunch. She had a delicious looking cheeseburger. I had an ice tea. (Taco Bell challenge, remember?) Then we headed to the Oriental Theater to see Wicked. I bought her two tickets for her birthday and was lucky that she chose me to be her date. She loved it and I loved it even more than the first time. I guess the company was better this time!!

I followed my afternoon of being all-civilized-like at the theater with some tacos. Although I am still loving the Taco Bell challenge, I am so incredibly thirsty. I don't even want to look up how much salt is in my delicious Taco Bell. After the tacos, some of my Indiana crew came out to my house to play dice. It was great to hang out with my peeps. These are my old-school, I-would-do-anything-for-them friends. These are the friends that you can wear sweats and your glasses in front of. And I did. And, I also won thirty-seven bucks! Go, me!

Sunday was Doug day. Every day should be Doug day. Doug is my favorite ex-roomie of all time. He also tends to bring beer wherever he goes. Doug doesn't disappoint.

One highlight of my Dougday-Sunday was Indy's win over the Pats. I am addicted to football and this year has been decidely negative so far. But beating the Pats? That's all I need in this world. Well, that, Doug and the beer.

We continued with the beer after football and watched a few episodes of Entourage, which is my new favorite incredibly offensive show. After yelling at the TV for the previous two hours, it was nice to just shut up and laugh.

Shut up and laugh. I think those are words to live by.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Pre-Halloween Party

Vanessa and I pre-gamed Halloween at my house. Then it was off to an awesome party. We had a blast. Although we got some really strange looks as we're wandering around Walgreens as a Cowgirl and her Dorothy sidekick!