Saturday, I woke up suprisingly not hungover. I met my mom for lunch. She had a delicious looking cheeseburger. I had an ice tea. (Taco Bell challenge, remember?) Then we headed to the Oriental Theater to see Wicked. I bought her two tickets for her birthday and was lucky that she chose me to be her date. She loved it and I loved it even more than the first time. I guess the company was better this time!!
I followed my afternoon of being all-civilized-like at the theater with some tacos. Although I am still loving the Taco Bell challenge, I am so incredibly thirsty. I don't even want to look up how much salt is in my delicious Taco Bell. After the tacos, some of my Indiana crew came out to my house to play dice. It was great to hang out with my peeps. These are my old-school, I-would-do-anything-for-them friends. These are the friends that you can wear sweats and your glasses in front of. And I did. And, I also won thirty-seven bucks! Go, me!

Sunday was Doug day. Every day should be Doug day. Doug is my favorite ex-roomie of all time. He also tends to bring beer wherever he goes. Doug doesn't disappoint.

Sunday was Doug day. Every day should be Doug day. Doug is my favorite ex-roomie of all time. He also tends to bring beer wherever he goes. Doug doesn't disappoint.
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