It's like nostalgia and excitement wrapped up as one. It makes sense in my head.
So in the spirit of trying to become more grown-up-like, I am going to make a commitment. This is something I do a lot, like most people. But unlike most people, I usually bail. So that's my first step into grown-up-hood. No Bails!! So, like I said I'm going to make a commitment - to do something childish.
I just looked up the hours and directions to the County Line Orchard. And this Saturday, I am going pumpkin picking.
Also, in a further attempt at grown-up-ness, I am going to stop playing games and just ask a boy out. See, there is this boy who is sweet on me. And well, he's short and at least one level of cuteness below me. Usually (ok, every time before) these things were deal breakers. But because he arrived in my life at a time when I was just excusing myself from my undeniably childish previous relationship, I played around with him because, well, it was an ego boost. (Honesty- another move toward the adulthood direction!!) But in my playing around with him, I found myself a little sweet on him too. And really, does height and cuteness matter all that much? Don't adults look for compatibility & personality and all that other grown-up stuff ?
Grown up stuff makes me giggle.
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